Trauma Informed Education: developing safe relationships in the classroom
Trauma Informed
This following resources are provided in partnership with Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board and were created in our journey towards embedding Dyadic Developmental Practice as a trauma-informed framework. Our members page is designed to provide board employees with resources but perhaps more importantly serve as a virtual space to tell stories and have conversations as we learn what it means to create relational safety for students. We have made public some of the resources developed in this project with the hope that you too will find them helpful in your work, not only with students with developmental trauma but for all students. We believe that Dyadic Developmental Practice is essential for some but good for all students. View the resources here.
We have been working with Algonquin Lakeshore Catholic District School Board for a number of years to build understanding of children with developmental trauma and developing a practice for creating the safety children need in relationships to learn. We hope that you find the information on trauma informed education, our Belong program and teacher resources helpful in your start – or maybe continuation – of your journey to being trauma sensitive in your classrooms. We will continue to add to them.
Belonging and Working with Relational Trauma offer educators and clinicians a way to understand children who have experienced developmental trauma and importantly how to shape their relationships with students to help them benefit from the academic, social and emotional opportunities that schools offer. The books introduce Dyadic Developmental Practice as the means to develop the felt sense of safety that children need to learn.